
J. Matthew Miller began his legal career at Baird Lightner Millsap in 2001 and became a partner in the firm in 2007. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Missouri and returned to Springfield to practice law. After 19 years of practicing with the firm, the retirement of his partners and another partner being appointed to the judicial bench, Mr. Miller established his own firm, continuing to offer zealous courtroom advocacy; advice and guidance from years of experience; and personal and focused attention to his clients.  His practice includes Trial Practice, Family Law, Appellate Practice, and Mediation, and he has extensive experience with Guardianships, Conservatorships, and other related litigation.  He is assisted by his paralegal, Sherrie Brown, who joined him from Baird Lightner Millsap.

Mr. Miller has litigated over 60 cases in Missouri appellate courts. In 2014, he was awarded the David J. Dixon Appellate Advocacy Award by the Missouri Bar Association in recognition of outstanding achievement in appellate practice.

After 17 years of practice, Mr. Miller decided to devote a portion of his practice to work as a mediator, helping people resolve their disputes outside of the courtroom. He received his Mediation Certificate in 2010 from the University of Missouri and was admitted to serve as a court-appointed mediator in the 31st Judicial Circuit, Greene County, Missouri accepting mediation appointments from other courts and select cases upon request of parties and attorneys.  He has made professional visits to courts in Connecticut (2009), India (2013, 2014, and 2019), Israel (2019), and Malta (2021) to meet with judges and attorneys and study innovative methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution. His speaking engagements on mediation include presentations on foreign mediation systems and family law and parenting disputes.  He serves as President of the Association of Missouri Mediators and has served as Special Master in numerous cases in the 31st Circuit Court (Greene County).

Mr. Miller is dedicated to service in the church and community. He has provided pro bono representation to impoverished individuals through Legal Services of Southern Missouri since he began practicing law in 2001. He volunteers at the Springfield Community Men’s Homeless Shelter and enjoys coaching a baseball team for special needs individuals in the Springfield Miracle League.



  • B.S. University of Missouri magna cum laude 1998

  • J.D. University of Missouri 2001

  • M.A. Duke Divinity School summa cum laude 2017

  • Post-M. Cert. Boston College 2021


  • “Hearsay: Law, Problems, & Strategies” —The Missouri Bar

  • “Interpreting Business Tax Returns” – The Missouri Bar

  • “Pandemic Parenting Disputes: A Mediator Briefing” – Association of Missouri Mediators

  • “Post-Trial Litigation & Preservation of the Record for Appeal”—Christian County Bar Association

  • “Legal Systems of the New Asian Economic Giants: China & India—Lok Adalat Alternative Dispute Resolution”—Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association

  • “Division and Valuation of Property and Debts; Legal issues; and Preparing the Case for Trial”—The Missouri Bar

  • Missouri Bar Association Deskbook—Sources of Proof: “Presumptions” (2014)

  • "President-Elect Miller Visits Malta Centre for Dispute Resolution”—Association of Missouri Mediators Newsletter, Fall 2021


Contact us.

1748 S. Madaline Terrace
Springfield, MO 65804

Telephone: (417) 887-0133
Facsimile: (417) 887-0862